We Make A Difference In Our Community...
How About YOU?
Who Are The Difference Makers
Difference Makers of Hot Springs (DMHS) has a unique make-up of professional volunteers and business affiliates that share a common goal; giving back to the city in a spirit of unity.
The Difference Makers of Hot Springs (D.M.H.S.) was birth from a vision of connecting social/community services for the betterment of Hot Springs. DMHS first involvement in civic affairs started with the U.S.A. Weekend National “Make A Difference Day 2014”, which was recognized nationally. Several church affiliates and friends discussed clean-up projects throughout the Hot Springs area, including partners from Mt. Pine.
Make A Difference day was just the start of a bonding process coordinating revitalization efforts with the Hot Springs School District. Two elementary schools (Oaklawn & Langston Elementary) were chosen as sites to assist in grounds clean-up on that day. In an all-hands effort in providing much needed clean up several cemeteries were also assisted with upkeep with a major focus on Friendship Cemetery.
The day ended with a city-wide picnic in the Hollywood park section of the city. This brought a reality that much more work needed to be done and not just complain about the disconnect and lack of services; we decided to become a DIFFERENCE MAKER in many various roles and capacities in an effort to enrich the lives, experiences, and outcomes of people and businesses within the city of Hot Springs.
DMHS started October 25, 2014. In April 2015, the DMHS was organized and registered as a non-profit organization in the State of Arkansas.